Sunday, February 7, 2010

Cameraless Filmmaking

I am enjoying this cameraless filmmaking project so far as it is my first. Im excited about embarking on finishing my 100 frame animation and doing the rest of work in class on monday. The darkroom was exciting as this was my first time participating in a dark room exercise. I had a slight idea about the process of the dark room but had never done it hand on. It is a little hard to see in such dark room and it was hard to tell where to place items. You also only have the "one shot" in order to make a good strip. I found I did stuff I liked on the first strip but then couldn't recreate it on the second strip. But thats the excitement about experimental cameraless filmmaking, its a creative. The freedom while creating a cameraless film is amazing and endless. Im excited about having a full class period to work on my film strip. I've always enjoyed abstract art and looking at things from an alternative point of view. This class gives the artist that exact capability to do as he pleases from any artistic angle. Im excited to add the earth wind fire water aspect towards the scratching.

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